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Data Preparation

Preparing our dataset by ingesting and splitting it.
Goku Mohandas
Goku Mohandas
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We'll start by first preparing our data by ingesting it from source and splitting it into training, validation and test data splits.


Our data could reside in many different places (databases, files, etc.) and exist in different formats (CSV, JSON, Parquet, etc.). For our application, we'll load the data from a CSV file to a Pandas DataFrame using the read_csv function.

Here is a quick refresher on the Pandas library.

import pandas as pd
# Data ingestion
df = pd.read_csv(DATASET_LOC)
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In our data engineering lesson we'll look at how to continually ingest data from more complex sources (ex. data warehouses)


Next, we need to split our training dataset into train and val data splits.

  1. Use the train split to train the model.

    Here the model will have access to both inputs (features) and outputs (labels) to optimize its internal weights.

  2. After each iteration (epoch) through the training split, we will use the val split to determine the model's performance.

    Here the model will not use the labels to optimize its weights but instead, we will use the validation performance to optimize training hyperparameters such as the learning rate, etc.

  3. Finally, we will use a separate holdout test dataset to determine the model's performance after training.

    This is our best measure of how the model may behave on new, unseen data that is from a similar distribution to our training dataset.


For our application, we will have a training dataset to split into train and val splits and a separate testing dataset for the test set. While we could have one large dataset and split that into the three splits, it's a good idea to have a separate test dataset. Over time, our training data may grow and our test splits will look different every time. This will make it difficult to compare models against other models and against each other.

We can view the class counts in our dataset by using the pandas.DataFrame.value_counts function:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# Value counts
natural-language-processing    310
computer-vision                285
other                          106
mlops                           63
Name: count, dtype: int64

For our multi-class task (where each project has exactly one tag), we want to ensure that the data splits have similar class distributions. We can achieve this by specifying how to stratify the split by using the stratify keyword argument with sklearn's train_test_split() function.

Creating proper data splits

What are the criteria we should focus on to ensure proper data splits?

Show answer
  • the dataset (and each data split) should be representative of data we will encounter
  • equal distributions of output values across all splits
  • shuffle your data if it's organized in a way that prevents input variance
  • avoid random shuffles if your task can suffer from data leaks (ex. time-series)
# Split dataset
test_size = 0.2
train_df, val_df = train_test_split(df, stratify=df.tag, test_size=test_size, random_state=1234)

How can we validate that our data splits have similar class distributions? We can view the frequency of each class in each split:

# Train value counts
natural-language-processing    248
computer-vision                228
other                           85
mlops                           50
Name: count, dtype: int64

Before we view our validation split's class counts, recall that our validation split is only test_size of the entire dataset. So we need to adjust the value counts so that we can compare it to the training split's class counts.

\[ \alpha * N_{test} = N_{train} \]
\[ N_{train} = 1 - N_{test} \]
\[ \alpha = \frac{N_{train}}{N_{test}} = \frac{1 - N_{test}}{N_{test}} \]
# Validation (adjusted) value counts
val_df.tag.value_counts() * int((1-test_size) / test_size)
natural-language-processing    248
computer-vision                228
other                           84
mlops                           52
Name: count, dtype: int64

These adjusted counts looks very similar to our train split's counts. Now we're ready to explore our dataset!

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To cite this content, please use:

    author       = {Goku Mohandas},
    title        = { Preparation - Made With ML },
    howpublished = {\url{}},
    year         = {2023}